What's Jeet?

Jeet is a "grid system built for humans". It lets you lay out a grid with almost no markup, which makes sites clean and maintainable.
Jeet can be used in both Sass and Stylus files. See the official website for details.
Using Jeet
Just add this line to the top of your main Sass or Stylus stylesheet, then save:
@import "jeet";
That's It?
Yes. Just start using Jeet's features in your stylesheet. You can even copy the import statement from the Jeet category of Project Settings if you're feeling lazy:

How Does The Magic Work?
CodeKit contains a bundled copy of Jeet. When the app sees the above @import statement in your stylesheet, CodeKit tells the Sass or Stylus compiler where it can find Jeet's files, even though they aren't in your project.