Sound Familiar?
You open Nova, edit a file, save...and nothing. *Sigh*. You forgot to launch CodeKit or your project folder wasn't in the app.
This Nova Extension automatically launches CodeKit and adds projects to the app. It also adds menu commands so you can build projects, preview, and more directly from Nova.
Download The ExtensionInstalling
Make sure you have Nova 2+ and CodeKit 3.13+. Click the button above, unzip the file, then double-click it. Choose "install" in the dialog that pops up.
The Extension can't check for updates on its own, so keep an eye on CodeKit's release notes. I'll announce new versions there.
How It Works
When you open a new Nova Workspace, the Extension looks for a config.codekit3 file in the root folder. If it finds one, it launches CodeKit and makes sure that folder is in CodeKit as a Project.
You can change this behavior. In Nova, select Extensions > Extension Library > CodeKit > Preferences. You can have the Extension add every Workspace folder as a CodeKit Project, or turn off this feature completely.
Project Switching
When you open a new Nova Workspace and that Workspace's root folder is also a CodeKit Project, this Extension will automatically select that Project in CodeKit. You can change this behavior in the preferences as well.
View The Source
The source code is available on GitHub under an MIT license. If you know the devil's language and would like to contribute, pull requests are welcome.