Version 3.30

2 December 2024

Build 34627Download

Fixed: iCloud Sync Issue

Storing your projects in iCloud Drive will no longer create infinite refresh loops. Thanks, Apple.

Wrangle Sass Warnings

Pour One Out for Libsass

Other Enhancements

Component Updates:

Babel 7.26.0
Browserslist 4.24.2
Dart Sass 1.81.0
ESLint 9.16.0
Less 4.2.1
Rollup 4.28.0
Stylus 0.64.0
Terser 5.36.0
TypeScript 5.7.2

Version 3.28

16 September 2024

Build 34590Download


Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 10.4.20
Babel 7.25.2
Browserslist 4.23.3
Dart Sass 1.78.0
ESLint 9.10.0
Rollup 4.21.3
SVGO 3.3.2
Terser 5.32.0
TypeScript 5.6.2

Version 3.29

10 October 2024

Build 34592Download


Component Updates:

Babel 7.25.7
Browserslist 4.24.0
Dart Sass 1.79.4
ESLint 9.12.0
Rollup 4.24.0
Terser 5.34.1
TypeScript 5.6.3

Version 3.28

16 September 2024

Build 34590Download


Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 10.4.20
Babel 7.25.2
Browserslist 4.23.3
Dart Sass 1.78.0
ESLint 9.10.0
Rollup 4.21.3
SVGO 3.3.2
Terser 5.32.0
TypeScript 5.6.2

Version 3.27

18 April 2024

Build 34576Download

ESLint Changes

Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 10.4.19
Babel 7.24.4
Browserslist 4.23.0
Dart Sass 1.69.5
ESLint 9.0.0
Rollup 4.14.3
Stylus 0.63.0
SVGO 3.2.0
Terser 5.30.3
TypeScript 5.4.5

Version 3.26

7 November 2023

Build 34564Download



Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 10.4.16
Babel 7.23.2
Browserslist 4.22.1
Dart Sass 1.69.5
ESLint 8.53.0
Rollup 4.3.0
Stylus 0.61.0
Terser 5.24.0

Version 3.25

27 August 2023

Build 34518Download


Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 10.4.15
Babel 7.22.11
Dart Sass 1.66.1
ESLint 8.48.0
Rollup 3.28.1
TypeScript 5.2.2

Version 3.24

8 August 2023

Build 34513Download



Component Updates:

Babel 7.22.10
Browserslist 4.21.10
Dart Sass 1.64.2
ESLint 8.46.0
Less 4.2.0
Rollup 3.27.2
Terser 5.19.2
TypeScript 5.1.6

Version 3.23.1

16 June 2023

Build 34510Download

npm 9.x


Component Updates:

Babel 7.22.5
Bourbon 7.3.0
Browserslist 4.21.9
Dart Sass 1.63.4
ESLint 8.43.0
Rollup 3.25.1
Terser 5.18.0
TypeScript 5.1.3

Version 3.22

17 April 2023

Build 34484Download

TypeScript 5.0


Component Updates:

Babel 7.21.4
Dart Sass 1.62.0
ESLint 8.38.0
Rollup 3.20.3
Terser 5.16.9
TypeScript 5.0.4

Version 3.21

12 March 2023

Build 34472Download


Rollup External Modules:

By default, if you import an external JS module but don't use any code from it, Rollup assumes you still need the import because the module does something else that's important. You can now disable this assumption in Project Settings > Rollup, if needed.

Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 10.4.14
Babel 7.21.0
Dart Sass 1.59.2
ESLint 8.36.0
Rollup 3.19.1
Terser 5.16.6
TypeScript 4.9.5

Version 3.20

12 January 2023

Build 34448Download


Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 10.4.13
Babel 7.20.12
Dart Sass 1.57.1
ESLint 8.31.0
Rollup 3.9.1
Susy 3.0.8
SVGO 3.0.2
Terser 5.16.1
TypeScript 4.9.4

Version 3.19

23 September 2022

Build 34434Download


Other Changes:

Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 10.4.12
Babel 7.19.1
Browserslist 4.21.4
Dart Sass 1.55.0
ESLint 8.23.1
Rollup 2.79.0
Terser 5.15.0
TypeScript 4.8.3

Version 3.18.2

22 August 2022

Build 34418Download

Resolves potential crashes introduced by the Swift 5.5 compiler.

Component Updates:

CSSO 6.0.1
Dart Sass 1.54.5
ESLint 8.22.0
Rollup 2.78.1
Stylus 0.59.0

Version 3.18.1

5 August 2022

Build 34408Download

3.18.1 resolves a potential AppleScript crash on macOS 12.5.



Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 10.4.8
Babel 7.18.10
Browserslist 4.21.3
Dart Sass1.54.3
ESLint 8.21.0
Gifsicle 1.93
JpegOptim 1.4.7
Less 4.1.3
Nib 1.2.0
PNGQuant 2.17.0
PostCSS 8.4.14
Rollup 2.77.2
Stylus 0.58.1
Terser 5.14.2
Webp 1.2.3

Version 3.17.1

4 May 2022

Build 34365Download



Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 10.4.7
Babel 7.17.10
Browserslist 4.20.3
CoffeeScript 2.7.0
Dart Sass1.50.0
ESLint 8.14.0
PostCSS 8.4.12
Rollup 2.71.1
Stylus 0.57.0
Terser 5.13.1

Version 3.16.1

29 December 2021

Build 34335Download

(3.16.1 fixes an issue where Tailwind files might not compile correctly.)

NEW: Bootstrap 5

NEW: Tailwind 3.x


Also Different:

Component Updates:

Babel 7.16.5
Browserslist 4.19.1
Dart Sass1.45.1
ESLint 8.5.0
PostCSS 8.4.5
Stylus 0.56.0

Version 3.15.1

18 November 2021

Build 34264Download



Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 10.4.0
Babel 7.16.0
CoffeeScript 2.6.1
Dart Sass1.43.4
ESLint 8.2.0
Less 4.1.2
PostCSS 8.3.11
Rollup 2.60.0
SVGO 2.8.0
Terser 5.10.0

Version 3.15

17 September 2021

Build 34214Download

Tailwind JIT:



We're Breaking Up:

This release removes Compass, which was end-of-lifed 5 years ago. It also removes JSHint and JSLint. If you were still using those, JS files will switch to ESLint automatically.

Component Updates:

Dart Sass1.41.1
PostCSS 8.3.6
Autoprefixer 10.3.4
Babel 7.15.5
Rollup 2.56.3
Stylus 0.55.0
ESLint 7.32.0
SVGO 2.6.1
PurgeCSS 4.0.3
Terser 5.8.0

Version 3.14.4

19 March 2021

Build 34127Download

Things That Got Better:

Things That Were Supposed To Have Gotten Better Last Time:

Sweet, merciful Christ I think PurgeCSS is finally good to go.

Things That Suck Less:

The Podcast

Because Ira has enough listeners:

Component Updates:

Dart Sass1.32.8
PostCSS 8.2.8
Autoprefixer 10.2.5
Babel 7.13.10
Rollup 2.41.5
Pug 3.0.2
ESLint 7.22.0
SVGO 2.2.2

Version 3.14.3

4 March 2021

Build 34081Download

New Right-Click Options

PurgeCSS Fix

Other Fixes

App go Vroooom

Component Updates:

PostCSS 8.2.7
Babel 7.13.8
Rollup 2.40.0
Pug 3.0.2
ESLint 7.21.0
PurgeCSS 4.0.2

Version 3.14.2

12 February 2021

Build 34018Download

(3.14.2 removes a useless Babel warning about unused options.)

(3.14.1 fixes build steps that might run out of order, a pedantic npm warning, and the HTML minifier possibly removing cache-busting queries.)

NEW TailwindCSS



NEW Custom PostCSS Plugins

NEW CSS Imports

NEW Build Environment Option

Big Changes:

Other Changes:


Got Five Dollars?

I have a show:
We charge $5 for ads. Our intros are provided by OnlyFans people. Hilarity ensues.

Component Updates:

Dart Sass1.32.7
Less 4.1.1
Autoprefixer 10.2.4
RollupJS 2.39.0
TerserJS 5.6.0
ESLint 7.20.0
Browserslist 4.16.3
PostCSS 8.2.6
Slim 4.1.0
Haml 5.2.1
Bower 1.8.2
Node 14.15.5

Version 3.13.3

24 October 2020

Build 33081Download

(3.13.3 fixes a crash that happens only on macOS 10.13 High Sierra.)

NEW WebP Image Optimization

NEW Nova Extension



Gratuitously Unrelated

We started a podcast:

I'll give you one good reason to listen: there are ZERO Squarespace ads.

Component Updates:

Dart Sass1.27.0
Less 3.12.2
Stylus 0.54.8
Autoprefixer 10.0.1
RollupJS 2.32.1
TerserJS 5.3.8
ESLint 7.11.0
Browserslist 4.14.5
Susy 3.0.6
Node 12.18.4

Version 3.12.5

24 May 2020

Build 32186Download


Don't put off this update. It has a critical fix for some date shenanigans that will soon break the last version.


Component Updates:

Dart Sass1.26.5
Autoprefixer 9.8.0
RollupJS 2.10.7
TerserJS 4.7.0
ESLint 7.1.0
Node 12.16.3

Version 3.12.1

30 April 2020

Build 32147


Fixes a crash that could occur if your Sass files contain comments on the same line as @import.

NEW Dart Sass

Dart Sass is now the default Sass compiler in CodeKit.

Some things to know:



Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 9.7.6
RollupJS 2.7.1
TerserJS 4.6.11
Browserslist 4.12.0
JpegOptim 1.4.6
Node 12.16.2

Version 3.11

6 April 2020

Build 32001

License Updates

CodeKit licenses come with 2 years of free updates. After that, you can renew your license for more updates. If you don't renew, any version of CodeKit released before your license expired keeps working forever.

Firefox Bug



Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 9.7.5
Less 3.11.1
CoffeeScript 2.5.1
RollupJS 2.2.0
TerserJS 4.6.7
Babel 7.9.0
Libsass 3.6.3
Browserslist 4.11.0
TypeScript 3.8.3
ESLint 6.8.0
SVGO 1.3.2
Node 12.16.1

Version 3.10.2

20 October 2019

Build 31934

3.10.2 Changes

Rolls Libsass back to 3.6.1 until the Libsass team can fix some new bugs causing hangs during compiling. Removes the deprecated "Check For IE Compatibility" option for Less files, which caused compiling to fail.

NEW The Kit @Compile Statement

NEW Image Comparison Tool

Other New Stuff:



Major Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 9.6.5
RollupJS 1.24.0
TerserJS 4.3.9
Babel 7.6.4
Libsass 3.6.2
Browserslist 4.7.0
TypeScript 3.6.4
ESLint 6.5.1
Stylus 0.54.7
PNGQuant 2.12.5
Less 3.10.3
JSLint 17 September 2019
Node 10.16.3

Version 3.9.2

23 July 2019

Build 31491

Quick Fix

3.9.2 fixes issues where TypeScript files failed to compile and npm packages with names shorter than 4 characters didn't show up in search results.

NEW npm!

NEW Notification Control

Other New Stuff:



macOS Catalina:

I don't officially support macOS betas, but folks tell me CodeKit is working fine on 10.15. This update is fully notarized and should be ready for Catalina.

Major Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 9.6.1
RollupJS 1.17.0
TerserJS 4.1.2
Babel 7.5.5
Libsass 3.6.1
Browserslist 4.6.6
TypeScript 3.5.3
ESLint 6.1.0
SVGO 1.3.0
HTML-Minifier 4.0.0
CoffeeScript 2.4.1
Node 10.16.0

Version 3.8.2

27 February 2019

Build 29156


3.8.2 fixes a crash that occurred when scanning malformed Bower packages for import statements.

3.8.1 fixed an issue in 3.8 that caused crashes with the Projects Sidebar open.

NEW JavaScript Bundling

NEW HTML-Minifier

NEW TerserJS

Other New Stuff:




CodeKit is 8 years old. It's seen 95 updates. I work on it constantly and will keep doing so for years and years to come. But I need your help. Rather than hold back features like JS-Bundling for a big 4.0 release, I've decided to adopt the Sketch licensing model:

What About Us?

If you bought CodeKit anytime in 2018+, you get two years of free updates starting from 27 February 2019. If you bought in 2017 or earlier, you get one year starting from the same date.

Why Are You Doing This?
This is a Subscription!

Negative, Ghostrider. CodeKit. Always. Works. Subscriptions mean that if you don't keep paying, the app stops working. That's bullshit.

What If I Have a Multiuser License?

Renew one user or add a new user and all seats get an extra year of updates.


Please contact me on my private Twitter account.

Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 9.4.9
Neat 3.0.1
RollupJS 1.2.5
TerserJS 3.16.1
Babel 7.3.4
Bower 1.8.8
TypeScript 3.2.4
ESLint 5.14.1
Less 3.9.0
HTML-Minifier 3.5.21
Libsass 3.5.5
Node 10.15.1

Version 3.7.4

9 October 2018

Build 28905

Sass & CSS


Version 3.7.3

22 September 2018

Build 28901

3.7.3 Fixes:

3.7.1 Fixes:

NEW Dark Mode + Mojave Support

NEW Target Browsers

NEW Babel 7

NEW Base64 Imports in Kit Files

NEW Less 3

Less has been updated to 3.8.1 and some options have changed (mostly about when math operations get performed). If you use Less, double-check the options on your files after updating.



Component Updates:

Libsass 3.5.4
Babel 7.1.0
Less 3.8.1
UglifyJS 3.4.9
CoffeeScript 2.3.1
Susy 3.0.5
MultiMarkdown 6.4.0
Autoprefixer 9.1.5
Haml 5.0.4
Bourbon 5.1.0
Bitters 1.8.0
Neat 3.0.0
ESLint 5.6.0
PNGQuant 2.12.0
Node 8.11.4

Version 3.6.1

10 April 2018

Build 26680

Take #2

Massively More Efficient

The Quiet Keyword

Importing Skipped Items

More Good Stuff

Project Icons


Component Updates:

Libsass 3.5.2
Ruby Sass 3.5.6
MultiMarkdown 6.3.2
CoffeeScript 2.2.4
SVGO 1.0.5
OptiPNG 0.7.7
Autoprefixer 8.2
Susy 3.0.3
TypeScript 2.6.2
ESLint 4.19.1
Node 8.11.1

Version 3.5.2

1 March 2018

Build 26330

NEW Sortable, Searchable Log

Zurb Foundation Update


Version 3.5.1

14 February 2018

Build 26268

Stuff And Things:

Version 3.5

28 January 2018

Build 26261

NEW Better TLS Support



Component Updates:

Ruby Sass 3.5.5
SVGO 1.0.3
Susy 3.0.1
TypeScript 2.6.2
Autoprefixer 7.2.5
CoffeeScript 2.1.1
ESLint 4.15.0
Node 8.9.4

Version 3.4.2

10 November 2017

Build 26148


A few things came up after 3.4 shipped on 31 October, so this update replaces that one and fixes:

NEW Cache-Busting

NEW Auto-Pause File-watching

NEW CoffeeScript 2.0

NEW MultiMarkdown 6.0



Component Updates:

Bower 1.8.2
CoffeeScript 2.0.1
ESLint 4.9.0
Jeet 7.2.0
MultiMarkdown 6.2.2
Node 8.9.0

Version 3.3

17 August 2017

Build 25900


Susy 3:



So...I've set a crazy goal to take CodeKit open source and make it free. More people will use it, other developers can help me improve it faster, etc. But I still have to pay bills, so I'll need help before I can do that. If you like me or my work, please see for details.

Component Updates:

ESLint 4.4.1
Susy 3.0.0
Bourbon 5.0 Beta 8
Neat 2.1.0
Bitters 1.7.0
Gifsicle 1.90
CoffeeScript 1.12.7
TypeScript 2.4.2
JSLint 8 August 2017
Node 6.11.2

Version 3.2

20 June 2017

Build 25849

NEW Local CSS Overrides


Component Updates:

Neat 1.6.0
Nib 1.1.2
CoffeeScript 1.12.6
Autoprefixer 7.1.1
UglifyJS 2.8.28
TypeScript 2.3.4
Babel 6.25.0
JSLint 10 April 2017
Node 6.11.0

Version 3.1

5 April 2017

Build 25813


Data Migration

If you saw a bouncing Dock icon during the last update, that was due to data migration. (When I add new options, the app has to apply them to existing items before it can run.) A little window was supposed to pop up with a message. It didn't. It does now. The migration process is also 85% faster.


Component Updates:

Autoprefixer 6.7.7
TypeScript 2.2.2
UglifyJS 2.8.21
ESLint 3.19.0

Version 3.0.8

10 March 2017

Build 25704

NEW Lossy JPEG Optimization

Libsass Improvements

It is now literally impossible for an issue in Libsass to crash CodeKit. Malformed Sass files that previously crashed the app will now show correct error messages.

Libsass now runs as a completely separate process (codekit-libsass-service in Activity Monitor). The first Sass file you compile will take about one second longer while this process launches. All Sass files after that will compile without delay.

Neat 2.0

The built-in version of Neat has been upgraded to 2.0. You'll need to tweak a few things in your Sass files to use it. See this page for 1.8->2.0 changes.


Component Updates:

Neat 2.0
CoffeeScript 1.12.4
Autoprefixer 6.7.6
TypeScript 2.2
Node 6.10
UglifyJS 2.8.10
ESLint 3.17.1

Version 3.0.6

22 February 2017

Build 25568



Component Updates:

Libsass 3.5.0 B3
Less 2.7.2
SVGO 0.7.2
CoffeeScript 1.12.3
Autoprefixer 6.7.3
TypeScript 2.1.6
Node 6.9.5
Babel 6.23.0
ESLint 3.15.0

Version 3.0.5

17 January 2017

Build 25504



Jeet 7

Jeet is being maintained again! This release includes Jeet 7, which has a few breaking changes. Read the migration guide. (Ignore the crap about updating import statements though. You use CodeKit, so just write @import 'jeet'; and go.)

Component Updates:

Libsass 3.4.3
Slim 3.0.7
Ruby Sass 3.4.23
CoffeeScript 1.12.2
ESLint 3.13.1
Node 6.9.4
TypeScript 2.1.5
Babel 6.21.1
Jeet 7.1.0
JSLint 10 January 2017 Release

Version 3.0.4

14 December 2016

Build 25479


Component Updates:

ESLint 3.11.1
Autoprefixer 6.5.3
Babel 6.18.2
Bower 1.8.0
CoffeeScript 1.12.0
UglifyJS 2.7.5
TypeScript 2.0.8

Version 3.0.3

3 November 2016

Build 25444

Bourbon 5:


Component Updates:

Bourbon 5.0.0 Beta 7
Bitters 1.4.0

Version 3.0.2

1 November 2016

Build 25428

New Features:

Trailing Slash Behavior:


Component Updates:

ESLint 3.9.1
Babel 6.18.0

Version 3.0.1

29 October 2016

Build 25390

Apple and I released new stuff together. There were a couple bugs in CodeKit, so that's a point for Apple. don't have to take out a second mortgage on your house to buy dongles when you upgrade to CodeKit 3. So that's a point for CodeKit. See you at WWDC, Schiller.

New Features:


Version 3.0

26 October 2016

Build 25378

Is It Perfect?

Nope. I'm sure there are some bugs that got past the beta.

Is It Going To Explode And Set A Plane On Fire?

No. The bar for success has really been lowered.

Version 2.9.1

20 October 2016

Build 19142 — Download

What's New

This update adds a few things that will enable a seamless migration to CodeKit 3, which is launching next week. Skipping or procrastinating on this update is a poor life decision.

Version 2.9

20 September 2016

Build 19137

Wait, You're Still Alive?


My thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this episode of my release notes. I have no idea why they decided to be a sponsor—you guys build stunning websites by hand; seems like you don't need Squarespace. ...Maybe their ad department was drunk? Anyway, Squarespace: build it beautiful.*

Where Have You Been?

The About Window from CodeKit 3.0


What's The Upgrade Story?

So What's In 2.9?

This update provides stability on macOS Sierra. And fixes a few bugs by updating components.

Component Updates:

Less 2.7.1
UglifyJS 2.7.3
Stylus 0.52.5
JSLint 31 August 2016 Release
Autoprefixer 6.4.1
Node 6.6.0

*I listen to too many podcasts. Squarespace is not actually a sponsor

Version 2.8

10 May 2016

Build 19127



You may need to change the Output Module type for your TypeScript files from CommonJS to System after this update, due to a change in the TypeScript compiler.

Version 2.7.1

11 February 2016

Build 19115 — Download


This is the last release of CodeKit that runs correctly on OS X Yosemite, OS X Mavericks, and OS X Mountain Lion. If you are still running any of those ancient OS's, update your Mac and then install CodeKit 3.


CodeKit uses the open-source Sparkle framework to manage updates. Last week, a large man-in-the-middle vulnerability was found in Sparkle. Prior releases of CodeKit should be unaffected because all updates are delivered over SSL. Nevertheless, this release includes a new, fixed version of Sparkle (1.13.1).

2.7.1 Hotfix

The original CodeKit 2.7 release contained Libsass 3.3.3, which had a critical regression that broke Sass compiling for many people. Version 2.7.1 returns to Libsass 3.3.2 until the Libsass team fixes the problem. Ask me how many emails I've gotten in the last 5 hours.

Component Updates

Sass 3.4.21
Autoprefixer 6.3.1
Bower 1.7.7
Less 2.6
Stylus 0.53.0
TypeScript 1.7.5
Susy 2.2.12
Haml 4.0.7
Node 4.3.0
JSLint 7 February 2016 Release

Version 2.6.1

20 November 2015

Build 19102

Foundation 6

Libsass 3.3.2

This update brings Libsass to 99% feature parity with the Ruby Sass compiler. It contains hundreds of fixes and makes Libsass about 50% faster than it already was. If you're not using Libsass at this point, you're doing it wrong.


Component Updates

Markdown MultiMarkdown 5.0
Jade 1.11.0
JSLint 20 October 2015 Release
UglifyJS 2.6.1
Autoprefixer 6.1.0
Bourbon 4.2.6
CoffeeLint 1.14.0
Libsass 3.3.2
Bless 3.0.3

Version 2.5.1

16 October 2015

Build 19076



This release brings TypeScript 1.6.2, which is notable for a few reasons:

Component Updates

Less 2.5.3
Sass 3.4.19
Stylus 0.52.4
CoffeeScript 1.10
TypeScript 1.6.2
UglifyJS 2.5
Autoprefixer 6.0.3
Bourbon 4.2.5
Node Not 4.0 because Aaron said it breaks stuff.

Version 2.4

10 August 2015

Build 19051

A nice little maintenance update for the dog days of summer.



Doug Crockford recently overhauled JSLint to be less Donald Trump-ish. Most of the old options are gone and only a few remain. This release includes the new JSLint and you might actually like it because it will no longer find 4,567 errors in a 25-line file.

Component Updates

Libsass 3.2.5
Sass 3.2.16
Less 2.5.1
Stylus 0.52.0
CoffeeScript 1.9.3
Slim 3.0.6
Windows 10
Jade 1.11.0
TypeScript 1.5.3
UglifyJS 2.4.24
Autoprefixer 5.2
Node 0.12.7

Version 2.3.10

26 May 2015

Build 19033


Fixes and Changes

Version 2.3.9

21 May 2015

Build 19022

The FSEvents bug is DEAD.


Libsass 16.7.1

Component Updates

Stylus 0.51.1
UglifyJS 2.4.23
CoffeeLint 1.9.6
Bourbon 4.2.3
Node 0.12.3

Version 2.3.8

5 May 2015

Build 18966

The FSEvents Bug: Killed. Maybe.

So you know how CodeKit sometimes can't see file-changes because of a bug in Apple's FSEvents API? I've spent five days discussing this with Apple Engineering. They've given me a fix, but they're not completely sure it's going to work. (So...kinda like WiFi in Yosemite.) This update has the fix in it.

If you still find a folder that's not responding to file-changes, quit and relaunch CodeKit. If that doesn't fix it, please contact me so I can berate tell Apple.

Bower Changes



This update includes Libsass 3.2.2, which was released 15 hours after CodeKit 2.3.7 which was released 15 hours after Libsass 3.2.1 which was released 15 hours after CodeKit 3.2.6 which was released 15 hours after Libsass 3.2. See you in 15 hours.

And, of course, there's STILL all the stuff from those three updates last week:

Version 2.3.7

29 April 2015

Build 18917

Libsass 3.2.1

And More

This update also brings support for refreshing stylesheets that are included through HTML5 Imports and makes browser refreshing compatible with WebComponentsJS's ShadowDOM Polyfills.

And, of course, there's STILL all the stuff from the 2.3.6 and 2.3.1 updates, 48 hours ago:

Version 2.3.6

28 April 2015

Build 18911

73% Faster

Libsass 3.2

And, of course, there's all the stuff from the 2.3.1 update, yesterday:

Version 2.3.1

27 April 2015

Build 18904

NEW: MultiMarkdown

NEW: JSON Language Support

NEW: Apple Watch Support

Other Interesting Improvements


Stuff you probably don't care about


Component Updates

Libsass 3.1 Beta 6
Sass 3.4.13
Less 2.5.0
Stylus 0.50.0
Autoprefixer 5.1.1
UglifyJS 2.4.20
CoffeeScript 1.9.2
CoffeeLint 1.9.4
JSHint 2.7
Bourbon 4.2.2
Bourbon Neat 1.7.2
Bower 1.4.1
Node 0.12.2

2.3.1 Hot-Fixes

After releasing 2.3 on Friday, some folks pointed out some bugs that I needed to fix quickly:

Version 2.2

24 January 2015

Build 18493

Here's what I've been working on for the past two months:

NEW: Browser Sync

General Changes



Component Updates

Libsass 3.1.0
Sass 3.4.10
Less 2.2.0
Compass 1.0.3
Autoprefixer 5.0
UglifyJS 2.4.16
CoffeeLint 1.8.1
JSHint 2.6
TypeScript 1.4.1
Jade 1.9.1
Bourbon 4.1.1 (Ruby Sass) and 3.2.4 (Libsass)
Bourbon Neat 1.7.1
Susy 2.2.1
Node 0.10.35

Version 2.1.9

10 November 2014

Build 18270

This is a huge release with lots of changes. Let's break them down by section.

Compass Projects


General Changes


Component Updates

Sass 3.4.7
Stylus 0.49.3
JSHint 2.5.10
CoffeeLint 1.6.1
Bourbon Neat 1.7.0

iMac Giveaway

Version 2.1.8

18 October 2014

Build 18041


I'm re-releasing 2.1.8 to correct an issue where include statements did not work with Slim 2.1 and an issue where Frameworks did not remember settings. Plus, there's now a CodeKit plugin for Sublime Text available. Was there a bug in the original 2.1.8 release? Yes. Did it stop 40,000 iPhone 6's from making phone calls? No. We'll mark that a win.

Original 2.1.8 Changes

Component Updates

Stylus 0.49.2
Haml 4.0.5
Slim 2.1.0
Bourbon Neat 1.7.0rc

Coda Plugin

Use Coda? Me too. Wish Coda would automatically launch CodeKit and add projects to the app as needed? Me too. So I made that happen. Download the new CodeKit Plugin For Coda and CodeKit will automatically launch itself and add project folders in the background as you work in Coda.

Other Plugins

Use a different editor? Check out the new AppleScript APIs and the Coda Plugin Source Code to see how I did it. Make a plugin for your editor of choice and email me so I can feature it! Also: first person to find a bug in my source code wins a free CodeKit license. First person to email me about how if statements should have braces on the same line and I should really be using tabs instead of spaces...wins a 4,389 word email about proper coding style.

Sass Update

Keep using Libsass to compile Sass files in a Zurb Foundation project because the latest Ruby Sass compiler (3.4.5) is not yet supported by Foundation. This should clear up in the next few weeks. See the link in the 2.1.7 release notes, below, for more information.

Version 2.1.7

2 October 2014

Build 17945


If you use Zurb Foundation, you need to read this thread about the current state of Sass: There are a few edits you need to make to the Compass config.rb file after creating a new Foundation project in CodeKit or it won't compile. If you use Libsass to compile your Sass files, you're unaffected.

TL;DR --> Use Libsass to compile Sass files in Foundation projects until you see an 'all clear' message here.

Version 2.1.6

24 September 2014

Build 17908

Component Updates

Sass 3.4.5
Less 1.7.5
Stylus 0.49.0
Autoprefixer 3.1
Jeet 6.1.2
Jade 1.7.0
JSHint 2.5.6
Node 0.10.32

Version 2.1.5

5 September 2014

Build 17756

Version 2.1.4

4 September 2014

Build 17753

Component Updates

Sass 3.4.2
Stylus 0.48.1
Jade 1.6.0
Compass 1.0.1
CoffeeScript 1.8
JSHint 2.5.4
CoffeeLint 1.6.0
Autoprefixer 3.0.0
Bourbon Neat 1.7.0pre

Version 2.1.3

30 July 2014

Build 17682


I tested the self-healing feature on a strong, fast WiFi network. If your WiFi is laggy (e.g. a public network), the self-healing routine would repeatedly try to reconnect to CodeKit because the HTML5 websocket protocol has no way to determine if a connection is truly dead or just laggy. In version 2.1.3+, if a page loses touch with CodeKit for 15+ seconds, it will display a banner telling you that the connection is unstable, but it will NOT attempt to automatically reconnect, since the connection may not be dead.

Auto-refresh on remote devices really requires a solid, fast WiFi network to work well. If the network is bogged down with traffic or you're at the edge of the router's signal range, refreshes will probably be slow and/or unreliable.

Version 2.1.2

24 July 2014

Build 17670

Version 2.1.1

18 July 2014

Build 17625

Version 2.1

15 July 2014

Build 17580

For lo, on the sixth day St. Ive descended from on high and said unto the masses, "Abandon thy wicked ways my brothers and sisters. Let not thy elements have bevel nor depth nor gradient. Walk not in the drop shadows of thy forebearers, but be flat and translucent in all thy ways that you may know paradise." And the masses rejoiced except one man who said unto St. Ive, "But does not translucency distract, my lord? Surely it is wasteful and ornamental!" And St. Ive looked upon the man and the man was no more.

Component Updates

Less 1.7.3
Sass 3.3.10
Libsass No longer fails on !global declarations
Stylus 0.47.1
Slim 2.0.3
Bourbon 4.0.2 (Ruby Sass) 3.2.3 (Libsass)
JSLint 8 July 2014 Release
JSHint 2.5.2
CoffeeLint 1.5.2
Nib 1.0.3
Susy 2.1.2
UglifyJS 2.0.12
Autoprefixer 2.1

Note: Although the UI has been updated in preparation for Yosemite, you should NOT run CodeKit on OS 10.10 yet. There are several issues that will make your life difficult. These get fixed as Apple eliminates bugs in OS X so I don't worry about testing my apps until Apple ships a Release Candidate build.

Version 2.0.6

30 May 2014

Build 17018

Version 2.0.5

12 May 2014

Build 16921

Version 2.0.4

19 April 2014

Build 16903

The Starks send their regards.

Version 2.0.3

28 March 2014

Build 16895

First new feature since the 2.0 launch plus some bug fixes.

Important: if you want to set output paths outside of your project folder, you'll need to set them one more time after updating to 2.0.3. Also, setting output paths beyond the project folder is not a good idea unless you're sure that project will never be used on a different Mac. Ideally, keep everything in the project folder so that CodeKit can sync the paths across machines.

Version 2.0.2

21 March 2014

Build 16877

Eliminates a few more issues faster than the NCAA Tournament eliminates Duke.

Version 2.0.1

13 March 2014

Build 16844

Eliminates a few issues that cropped up after the initial launch of 2.0 last week.

Version 2.0

4 March 2014

Build 16828

Finally, eh? This is a complete re-write of CodeKit. If you're upgrading, MAKE SURE you watch the "Browser Refreshing" screencast; it's totally different now. Don't be the guy that emails me and asks, "Why isn't CodeKit 2 reloading localhost anymore!?"

CodeKit 2.0 includes pre-release versions of Sass and Compass. There are two known issues with this pre-release of Compass: